Nantong Vocational College Safety Regulation for Foreign Teachers
日期:2012-02-28 16:12:31  发布人:admin2  浏览量:5222

Ⅰ Foreign teachers should obey the laws and regulations of People’s Republic of China as well as those of the college.
Ⅱ Foreign teachers should live in the place arranged by the school. If they want to live outside occasionally, foreign teachers should report to the Dean of the Foreign Language Department or Foreign Affairs office of the school to assure the personal safety of foreign teachers.
If they want to leave their domicile for other cities or towns, foreign teachers should tell the Dean of the Foreign Language Department or Foreign Affairs office of the school. During the trip, foreign teachers should obey the traffic rules and pay attention to traffic safety.
Ⅲ Visitors who want to call on the foreign teachers should abide the related the rules. Foreign teachers should not take in unknown people or any people without appointments or registrations from the safety department.
Ⅳ Pay attention to the safety of the dormitory. Foreign teachers should remember to close the doors and windows to prevent fire or theft.
Ⅴ Utilities such as electricity should not be modified by the foreign teachers themselves for safety reasons. If they want to increase electricity charge, foreign teachers can tell the Dean of Foreign Language Department or Foreign Affairs office connected to the school and the electric engineer of the school will take care of all requests.
Ⅵ Foreign teachers should pay attention to the safety of using electricity and gas. If there is any trouble, foreign teachers can tell the contact teachers, Dean of Foreign Language Department or Foreign Affairs office of the school. The office of general services will correct any problems.
Ⅶ The office of general services, accompanied by the contact teacher, should check the electric appliances , gas ,etc. used by the foreign teachers as well as the locks and fences, doors and windows. If any unsafe factors are found, foreign teachers should report to the Dean of Foreign Language Department or Foreign Affairs office of the school and should be handled in time.
Ⅷ If the safety alarm is on in the dormitories, the staff of the safety department should arrive at the scene as soon as possible. Any problem found should be reported to the President in charge of these affairs and the Foreign Affairs office.

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